Home > Health & Fitness, Supplement > The Many Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil

The Many Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil

Eating fish is not only a healthy and delicious part of a balanced diet, but it also brings with it many unique benefits, with one of its benefits coming in the form of a certain fatty acid known as omega 3. Our body cannot produce some components on its own and one such product is Omega 3, which is an essential fat that is required for the healthy maintenance of our body. Sardines, tuna, trout, herring, salmon, and mackerel are some of the richest sources of Omega 3s and these are cold water fish that promise a lot of good health. Although most people do not eat fish often enough to obtain its numerous health benefits, they can still obtain the benefits of omega 3s from fish oil with the help of science, as it has made possible the omega 3s in a capsule, together with some added vitamins and minerals that should complement very well the health benefits of fish oil rich in omega 3s.

Omega_3_fish_oilIs there any real benefit of Omega 3 fish oils or is it just a business tactic? To understand this, let’s look at the benefits that Omega 3 fish oil offer us.

One of the most sought after benefits of omega 3 fish oil is that it has been shown in several studies to be able to lower the level of triglycerides in the body. When you are looking at triglycerides, especially increased levels of these compounds; you are looking at an increased risk of heart ailments and diabetes. Omega 3 fish oil also helps you have a normal blood pressure because it is known to dilate the blood vessels and therefore ease the pressure. Some of the other health benefits offered by Omega 3s include relief from various inflammatory ailments and pains, reduction of menstrual pain, and relief from rheumatoid arthritis.

Omega 3 fish oil is also known to help increase the brain’s functioning and makes it much more effective in several ways, such as assisting in the communication between nerves, enhancing your memory, increasing your thinking speed, much more efficient cognition and slowing down brain degradation caused by aging. The enhanced communication between nerve cells is considered to make Omega 3s an ideal choice for children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Omega 3 fish oil has also shown some promise for cases of bipolar disorder and psychosis.

Additionally, omega 3 fish oil may help increase bone density and decrease bone loss rate which makes it an ideal supplement for people suffering from osteoporosis.

These compounds are also known to offer other health benefits such as enhanced weight loss, decrease in cholesterol levels, and relief from asthma. All the above illnesses and possibly many more can be cured or at least made manageable by having your daily dose of omega 3 fish oil. These compounds are also known to offer you better moods and are used effectively as anti-depressants.

Whether you have the diseases and illnesses mentioned above or you just want to take precautionary measures just to keep your risk of developing them in the future as low as humanly possible, eating fish or taking omega 3 fish oil if you can’t eat fish can contribute to a longer and much healthier life. Therefore, by making fish a part of your regular diet you can not only enjoy better health but also tastier meals. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a diet that does not include fish but can offer you the same benefits; then omega 3 supplements can help you in this regard.

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